The annoying warning:
And the solution:
Keep button image: keep_button.png
Notice: If it do not work, you have to recapture the new keep_button image instead of using above and better do it first
Good luck!
And the solution:
- Code:
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, Chrome
~LButton:: ; Change LButton to ^s or any commands you send to the Chrome to download a file
MouseGetPos, mx, my
Loop, 14
ImageSearch, x, y, 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%, D:\\Pictures\keep_button.png ; Replace The location to your image want to click
x+= 40
y+= 14
Sleep, 100
if (x != 40)
if (x != 40)
MouseMove, x, y
SendInput, {Click, %x%, %y%, Left, 1}
MouseMove, mx, my
Keep button image: keep_button.png
Notice: If it do not work, you have to recapture the new keep_button image instead of using above and better do it first
Good luck!